Fishermen: Once all the fish are gone from the oceans they wont be able to make living off of fishing.
Consumers: Seafood restaurants will go out of business and people who live off eating fish will have a tough time finding ways to live without it.
Governments: People will get angry at the government and blame them for not doing anything to help save the fish and therefore could change the results of future elections.
Environment: The way of life in oceans could change for the worst if fish species start going extinct if not endangered already.
Part 2
Iceland has created one of the most modern and competitive seafood industries in the world, based on sustainable harvest and protection of the marine ecosystem. The fisheries management in Iceland is primarily based on extensive research on the fish stocks and the marine ecosystem and biodiversity, and decisions on allowable catches are made by the Ministry for Fisheries on the basis of scientific advice from the Icelandic Marine Research Institute. Catches are effectively monitored and enforced by the Directorate of Fisheries. In 2007, all stakeholders in the fisheries sector, signed a statement on responsible fisheries, intended for everyone concerned about the status of the fish stocks and responsible fisheries, particularly the numerous parties that purchase and consume Icelandic fish products. These are the keystones of the Icelandic fisheries management intended to ensure respoIceland maintains a 200 nautical miles exclusive fishing zone (758,000 km2 ) that includes some of the richest fishing grounds in the world.nsible fisheries and the sustainability of the ocean’s natural resources. There are 1,696 fishing ships in Iceland (2013), of which 783 are machine ships and 51 trawlers.
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